Vision and Mission Statement

3. Vision:
To build a happy, prosperous and productive organized community where every stakeholder will enjoy their basic human rights with equity and justice by utilizing local indigenous and modern knowledge for sustainable development.

4. Mission Statement:
MANUS will undertake appropriate initiatives to identify basic needs of people of different groups, profession, occupation and clusters for their self-reliance and sustainable development in a participatory way. Emphasis will be given to the mobilization of local resources, technology and experiences to implement all those plans.

·            To promote literacy through formal & non formal education program.
·            Generate skilled manpower trough training on different trade to contribute GDP.
·            To promote gender equity through empowerment & capacity building.
·            Generate employment through providing vocational, skill develop training for the unemployment youth, adult & adolescents.
·            Providing Micro Credit support for the pro poor, poor & disadvantaged people for improvement of their livelihood income.
·            To ensure health, nutrition, mental & physiological development of the child, adolescent & youth through providing reproductive health education & health services.
·            Risk reduction through providing disaster management training, relief & rehabilitation program to the disaster victims.
·            To prevent child & women trafficking through campaign.
·            Development of Agriculture, Fisheries & -livestock-for poverty alleviation & food security to the vulnerable people.
·            To conduct Early Child Mood Development program for- children & mother.
·            To promote environmental up gradation through providing technical support in water, sanitation, plantation & arsenic mitigation.
·            To promote Justice & Equity through establishing Good Governance, access to Information & technology.
·            To create awareness on HIV/AIDS prevention.
·            To organize social mobilization, raising awareness on violence against women.
·            To promote rights of the indigenous people through advocacy & program intervention.
·            Promotion of renewal energy through I.C.S & Solar power.
·            To promote cultural activities, sports among the children, adolescent & youth for healthy environment.
·            To ensure consumer right protection through creating awareness.
·            To conduct action research program for future development.
·            To establish Human Rights through campaign & advocacy & legal aid   support.

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